BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NC (WWAY) — Free parenting classes are back in Brunswick County courtesy of Communities in Schools.
The Incredible years parenting class promotes effective positive strategies for parents to manage their children’s behavior. The classes are interactive and include material easy to apply to real life situations. They are designed to increase family communication, cooperation, and respect.
The instructors have been thoroughly trained by The Incredible Years Network and get support from Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina. During the meetings, children gather in another room and are given age appropriate material.
The classes are for anyone parenting kids age 5-12. It is free and includes dinner. Parents who complete at least 11 of the 14 weekly sessions and required paperwork get two $50 gas cards, plus additional incentives.
The classes begin February 20 in Leland and the 21st in Shallotte. Class space is limited, so call the Margaret Roseman, Parenting Education Director, at (910) 253-5327 ext. 1435. You can also go to www.cisbrunswick.org to reserve your spot and find more information.